Monday, May 9, 2011

The Most Useful Subject in Life

I know that when I woke up every morning and begin my daily preparations for high school only one thing crossed my mind: math class. Math class was the most important time of the day and my favourite. Everything important in life is to be learnt in math; it is all relevant to everyday activities. Without math the world would be lost in a numberless spinning vortex of terror and destruction

Without the knowledge of logarithms I would have never made it through university English and history. Many times the professor would display a PowerPoint and I would use logs to help work out the notes. Logs have also supported me through all the court cases I have won and lost. Looking at the witness I would use logarithms to find if they were telling the truth by rating them on a log base ten scale. I remember sitting in math class saying "Now this is something I will use." Who doesn't recall the time in math when the teacher would get asked the question "How can I not use this in life?" Plus, there are still quadratic equations. I use those all the time, especially when I am driving. "Well the red car is 'Y', the yellow cab is 'Z' and I am 'X' then solve for the outcome." I have never had a car crash because of these well used formulas. Math is a life savor.

Not many days go by that I don't use trigonometry. Angles are very important and could be detrimental to your health if they are left unsolved. For instance, when I am separating my beans from my rice I use "Sine" over "Cos". I cannot have my beans at certain angles to my rice or touching at all. Running parallel to Trigonometry is geometry. I always make sure that I have graph paper in case of emergencies. It has saved me a couple times when I have been doing my daily crossword puzzle. 

High school teachings of mathematics will go along way because math is like a staple, it is needed all the time. See without math I am sure that I wouldn't have been able to survive law school with all of its essays and laws. Math is the most useful course in high school.

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