Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Letter of Concern

418 Valiant Drive, Penticton, British Columbia,
V2A 8Y1

May 25, 2011

Soccer Coach,
Central High School,
123 Main Street,
Sportstown, British Columbia,
V2A 1W3

Dear Mr. Kleats:

My name is Con Cerned. I am the father of Bor-Ed Cerned one of the player on the local house team in which you coach. I have noticed some concerns that I would like to bring up about the way you are coaching your team.

I have noticed that majority of the time you show up late to the practices and the occasional game. I understand that you are putting aside your free time to coach these young boys during your rigorous schedule but these boys are too young and they aren't able to organize their own practice. Along with that it seems to me that their practices are unorganized for the most part and that they aren't getting the most of their two hour practice. There seems to be to much standing around. May I suggest planning out the practice a head of time or maybe finding an assistant coach to help you out. Another point I wish to bring up is the uneven playing time. It has come to my attention that my son doesn't receive as much playing time as he deserves. Considering that this is only house league and that all the parents are paying equally for their children to play it only seems fair that the boys share the playing time with equal shifts. This coincides with your greater emphasizes on winning then having fun. After talking to a few parents they agree that the boys are just wanting to play and have fun and that winning isn't what most of them want. Winning does help the boys to have more fun but it comes at the cost of some of the boys having to sit. My final concern is that I have often heard you yelling at my son and some of the other boys and I would really appreciate it if you could speak with a softer tone when explaining what you want of my son. He has come home in tears after practice a few times and it hurts me to hear him say that it was because of your anger towards him. So if you could please think about using a nicer tone of voice I would appreciate it very much. Thank you for taking the time to coach and I hope that you will consider what I have said.


Con Cerned

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Most Useful Subject in Life

I know that when I woke up every morning and begin my daily preparations for high school only one thing crossed my mind: math class. Math class was the most important time of the day and my favourite. Everything important in life is to be learnt in math; it is all relevant to everyday activities. Without math the world would be lost in a numberless spinning vortex of terror and destruction

Without the knowledge of logarithms I would have never made it through university English and history. Many times the professor would display a PowerPoint and I would use logs to help work out the notes. Logs have also supported me through all the court cases I have won and lost. Looking at the witness I would use logarithms to find if they were telling the truth by rating them on a log base ten scale. I remember sitting in math class saying "Now this is something I will use." Who doesn't recall the time in math when the teacher would get asked the question "How can I not use this in life?" Plus, there are still quadratic equations. I use those all the time, especially when I am driving. "Well the red car is 'Y', the yellow cab is 'Z' and I am 'X' then solve for the outcome." I have never had a car crash because of these well used formulas. Math is a life savor.

Not many days go by that I don't use trigonometry. Angles are very important and could be detrimental to your health if they are left unsolved. For instance, when I am separating my beans from my rice I use "Sine" over "Cos". I cannot have my beans at certain angles to my rice or touching at all. Running parallel to Trigonometry is geometry. I always make sure that I have graph paper in case of emergencies. It has saved me a couple times when I have been doing my daily crossword puzzle. 

High school teachings of mathematics will go along way because math is like a staple, it is needed all the time. See without math I am sure that I wouldn't have been able to survive law school with all of its essays and laws. Math is the most useful course in high school.