Billy and Morgan slipped into the wonderful shade along the prison wall.
"Hey Billy, I just heard the guard say that the warden is coming out to the yard," whispered Morgan.
"Hey keep it down. We aren't supposed to know," He wipes his brow with his hand as the intense Arizona sun sears into his flesh.
"Sorry, its just that last time the warden signaled me out and made me look like an incompetent fool."
"Damn it's hotter then wearing panda fir in the middle of the Sahara."
"Didn't you hear what I said you old deaf sonofabitch. The warden loathes me and is going to make my life...
"Ssssshhhhh, it's here." All the prisoners turn to the ominous figure proceeding from the iron gates. The lean body of the warden enters the yard. Her long brown hair swaying at every step and her piercing eyes search out for her unlucky victim. Billy whimpers as he feverishly trys to camouflage himself into the shadows of the stone prison wall.
"You there, come here," the warden exclaims to Billy. Billy curses under his breath.
"Yes Ma'am."
"What is your name?"
"William Mater, Ma'am."
"Come with me you disgusting scum bag." Billy slowly trudges behind the warden as they leave the yard. The iron gates shut behind them with a loud,"Clang!"
Morgan didn't move the rest of the day. He remained there waiting for his only compatriot to reappear but he never did...